Find Your Perfect
Real Estate Agent

Find Your Perfect
Real Estate Agent

Relaunching in 2024! Our free and powerful custom matching technology connects interested home buyers & sellers, like you, with experienced, vetted, local real estate agents in a transparent, data-driven process.

As "the of real estate,"
we know you deserve the perfect partner agent.

As "the of real estate,"
we know you deserve the perfect partner agent.

Create Your Profile
Create your free profile consisting of your budget & other home buying preferences.
Match with Your Agent
We'll match you with 3 real estate agents that suit you best. You make the final decision on which of the three agents you will work with.
Find Your Home
Your real estate agent will help you find the perfect home to purchase.

Our Matching Technology Saves You Time & Money


Local Experts

Highly Responsive, Full Service

State-licensed & Certified

Commission Rebate

Data-Driven Matching Technology

Saves You Thousands of $$$

Other Agents

Local Experts

Highly Responsive, Full Service

State-licensed & Certified

Commission Rebate

Data-Driven Matching Technology

Saves You Thousands of $$$

Who are our Partner Agents?

Our LemonBrew Partner Agents work with national and local brokerages you're familiar with, like these: