How to Establish Residency in a New State: Step-by-Step Guide20220722134453

How to Establish Residency in a New State: Step-by-Step Guide

July 22, 20229
It's both exciting and nerve-wracking to settle down somewhere new, but how do you establish residency in a new state? It's fun to dream of all the ne...
Should I Buy a House in This Market in 2022?20220128124057

Should I Buy a House in This Market in 2022?

January 28, 20221
If you're thinking, "Should I buy a house in 2022," you're probably wondering if you should buy now before prices go up even more or if the housing ma...
How Long Is an Appraisal Good For?20211220143919

How Long Is an Appraisal Good For?

December 20, 20210
No matter if you're buying, selling, or refinancing a house, you can know with absolute certainty that — at some point throughout the home buying proc...
Best Cities to Move to in 2022 and Beyond20210615130001

Best Cities to Move to in 2022 and Beyond

June 15, 20212
Nearly 40% of households in America are thinking about moving in the U.S. in 2022, with about half of those considering relocating away from their cur...
Title Industry Trends20210507173358

Title Industry Trends

May 7, 20210
The past few years have turned most industries on their head, and the title industry is no exception. So if you’re thinking about buying a home soon, ...
Cybersecurity Tips for Real Estate Agents: What to Know20210423122902

Cybersecurity Tips for Real Estate Agents: What to Know

April 23, 20210
What are the cybersecurity tips for real estate agents they should be on the lookout for? Well, since a majority of modern business is done via the in...
How to Look Up Crime Rates: A Guide for Home Buyers20210402130926

How to Look Up Crime Rates: A Guide for Home Buyers

April 2, 20210
As you progress through the home buying process, there's one question that usually pops up in the midst of your search for where you're looking to liv...
Questions to Ask a Real Estate Agent20201227080000

Questions to Ask a Real Estate Agent

December 27, 20206
What are the questions to ask a real estate agent when it comes time to start shopping for a home? For many home buyers - especially the first-time on...
Home Buyer’s Guide – Covid Edition20201217080000

Home Buyer’s Guide – Covid Edition

December 17, 20206
Years ago, when you daydreamed about buying a house, you probably never pictured having virtual meetings with a title company or wearing a mask while ...
Buying a Condo: Six Tips to Know20201122080000

Buying a Condo: Six Tips to Know

November 22, 20200
Ready to start the process of buying a condo? First off, congratulations! Purchasing a condo is a big step in anyone's life. Living in a condo is a ga...